Tuesday, June 30, 2009

we're just ordinary people...

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I've decided to go home after all. I was very decisive this time round, no second thoughts. :)

I arrived on Tuesday noon, took a limo myself and appear at the door steps to surprise my parents. Apparently my parents tried to call me the night before, they were so worried cause they couldn't get through me. At last, my mom called Mrs. Cheang, she asked my mom if I'm coming home today or tomorrow.. and my mom was like: 'shes coming home meh?'


anyways, my dad kind of suspected that i was heading home already. Some telepathy superhero abilities I had with my dad. He seems to always know what I am up to. No chance to be mischievous at all.

Since it was Fathers' Day on Sunday, both my brothers from perth and singapore flew back home to surprise dad at the dinner. A lot of plannings, and a lot of 'dun-tell-anyone' was going on among the siblings..It was especially hilarious at the dinner. My dad's expression, his reaction when he saw both my brothers.. whoa.. is just priceless.. :)

its harder nowadays to have dinner with my parents and all my siblings. Just because all them are working at different countries and I'm the only still studying in the states. All of a sudden, I thought the unfortunate story of Rachel and her internship, her accident is a blessing in disguise. If its not for all the crap, I wouldn't have been home. If its not for all of those, we wouldn't have another family reunion.

I wouldn't have realized how much I miss talking to my parents and laughing with my siblings.
Well, I also got a chance to catch up with all the gossips.

One thing I realized after 3 days in Malaysia is that Malaysians are generally quite unfriendly. They don't smile at you, they love to scan you from top till bottom, and people love to stare at others around them like we are going to snatch her stuff or something.

I am told not to wear shorts when I got out, partially its my horrible bruise and also because it is unsafe. Do not leave any belongings on the table, and to make sure all windows and doors are locked and double locked when you go out. Sounds like its a real unsafe place to live. :(

I begin to wonder if this is really the place I want to be... maybe not..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

challenging work, major accident, shit-ass HR/ company....

I had my experience, I had my bruises, I almost die, I had maybe... enough...

I'm going home.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


its a yum yum day today... :) im going to chilax, eat and eat and eat... 

yum yum yum yum yum... :P

Monday, June 1, 2009

I cant wait to go back to Ames this Saturday!! How i wish time could fly by faster, so that I can go home and have some rest after a whole 2 weeks of work, work, WORK!! 

I wouldn't mind driving at all, just as long as I get to eat sushi in Taki, and buy some cheesecake in Jordan Creek. That would all be on Saturday. The rest of my weekends, I'll spend it with my dear.. Knowing the crazy work hours of my job, i might not be able to visit ames as often anymore in the coming weeks... :(

I've been spending a lot of quality time with myself this few days.. I went grocery shopping alone and watch a few good dramas too! I dyed my hair dark purple and had also discovered the best quesadilla in the world! The taco lady who set up stalls at the parking lot of BPI sells awesome mexican food, especially quesadillas! yum yum~~ they are so good! so different from those i've tried before.. So authentic, so delicious, so cheap!! oh Taco lady! mucho gracias!!