The World Is Flat?
I thought I should blog while i wait for my meeting later.
so i woke up really early today but got out of my bed really late. hehe...but i still made it to marketing class on time. I could have just skip it, but since im a SELF- proclaimed model student** erhem**.. i will walk through the winds and snow just to sit in his-slides-reading-non-beneficial-ultimately-'interesting' class.
whats worth all my effort walking from home to Gerdin was this video he showed us at the end of his class. it was one of the National Governors Association Meeting where they invite Thomas L. Friedman to be the speaker.
He. is amazing :)
I bought his best selling book: The World Is Flat.. but had never gotten enough motivation to read it. Its sitting nicely in a bookshelf which is not even in my room or my house. But today! i will snatch it back from my beloved boyfriend. Since he read it already, i can take it :P
now now, back to the short clip,
it was about 20 minutes long, and it was talking about the first 2 chapters of the book. He mentioned that Globalization is not just within companies or countries, its now the globalization that occurring around individuals. Is the fact that one has to compete with another, 'another' from a different part of the world, of different culture and diversity.
And one of the things that he mentioned, was the 10 things that made the world flat.
The 10 Flatteners:-
1. Fall of Berlin Wall, rise of "windows": Microsoft windows :)
2. Netscape:- Fiber optic cable linked the Tom in US and Tom is China together.
3. work flow software:- machine talks to machine
4. open sourcing:- Self organized collaboration, communities
5. Outsourcing:- process component more efficient
6. off shoring:- China as an opportunity
7. Supply chaining:- Walmart :)
8. In sourcing:- 'funny looking brown pants' people -> UPS's broader role in services
9. informing:- Google, yahoo
10. The 'Steroid':- Digital, Mobile, Personal, Virtual.
The best part of the video/ the part I love the most about the video is when he said this,
" when I was young, my parents said to me:' Finish up your dinner Thomas, the kids in China and India are starving and hungry' but now I tell my kids, 'finish up your HOMEWORK, the people in China and India are starving and hungry FOR YOUR JOB~ "
I guess now, its not just the China and the India, everyone is Hungry.
i am very hungry, i hope they serve pizza at the meeting later~