Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ideas Worth Sharing

I found out about through my eldest brother, Vincent Gan as he posted one up on facebook about moral and laws. Must we all follow laws? or sometimes things can change accordingly to situations. What is wiser to do, to abide by the rules or go with the situation..
Are rules really meant to be broken?

Then today, in consumer behavior class, Laura post this on her ppt and it enlightened me in many ways. I enjoyed it so much until a point where I debate within myself on the reasons to why I chose Food Science and not Marketing. As I go along, i realized that it doesn't matter which major I chose and how I regret no choosing the other; it boils down to the point where all these things you learned during your uni life will eventually benefits you in the future.

Thinking out of the box, thinking what people doesnt realize/doesnt know about is what they call innovative. Something very complex can be made simple and became simply amazing. I eventually got addicted in working my brain so hard, trying to find a breakthrough like how these people found their's.

Its really worth the thought. I beleive that its only through thinking where you will realize more.
BUT i must say, only think of those thats worth thinking. THEN again, whats worth and whats not is arbituary.


Blogger Theo.c said...

Hohoho.. TED is the shyte. Read Gladwell's book - Outliers. Damn chun. btw I love RAGU now :D

September 5, 2009 at 2:39 AM


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